Term And Condition

By using any services on GreenHCM site/application, it means you have read, understood, accepted, and agreed all of the following terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are a legal agreement among GreenHCM user with PT Teknologi Bangsa Mendunia as the services provider and GreenHCM site.

Please read our services terms and conditions carefully before you access or use our services.

Let's Make Your People Success

General Policies

  • PT Teknologi Bangsa Mendunia is a company which growth by a constitution of Republic of Indonesia and soon the company will be named as (“our”, and “GreenHCM”)
  • You become a GreenHCM user if you access these following services:
    • Every user who log in and/or access GreenHCM site;
    • Company is a business entity that registered its business on GreenHCM system; or
    • Employees are workers who are registered by the Company to be included in GreenHCM
  • GreenHCM application is a dashboard which designed to support HR, payroll system and task management.
  • GeenHCM application provide a service system which can use to calculate income task, health insurance payment, payroll, any other bonus, and reimbursement based on the data you filled before.
  • Bronze is a package provide by GreenHCM with Human Resources feature system, support system, and free trial for 30 days.
  • Silver is a package provided by GreenHCM with Human Resources feature system, task management system, support system, and free trial for 30 days.
  • Gold is a package provided by GreenHCM with Human Resources feature system, task management system, chat feature and notification, support system, and free trial for 30 days.
  • GreenHCM operational start from monday-friday, exclude with national holiday, and start from 09.00- 18.00 WIB.

Keamanan data dan sistem adalah tanggung-jawab bersama.


  • According to this agreement you have agreed to these following statement:
    • You have read and agreed to our terms and conditions, privacy policy, and our cost term.
    • You will use and/or access our site, services, content only for a legal puposes.
    • You will take a responsibility to keep your account and password secure.
    • You have to make sure the accurancy of data that you filled on system.
    • You will take a responsibility to all the content on your account and all activity on your account (even the content was sent by someone else under your account)
  • According to this agreement you have agreed these following statement:
    • System which provide by GreenHCM have suitable based on your wished and your company needed, so any loss and demand that came up because GreenHCM system incompatibility toward your company needed is no longer our responsibility.
    • GreenHCM have a right to changing, modifying, postponing or stopping the services (or anything on service area) anytime, for a while or forever without any announcement before.
    • GreenHCM don’t take any resposibilities for:
      • Services will be fullfill your needs specifically.
      • Services wouldn’t be disturb by any obstruction, on time, secure, or free of any mistakes.
      • The result you get from the services will be accurate and trusted.
      • Product quality, service, information, or another thing you have bought and got from our service could complete your wish and needed.
      • All mistake or error on the service could handle.

GreenHCM memiliki sistem pricing dan billing yang fair. Tidak ada pengembalian dana, tetapi Anda memang hanya membayar per bulan.

Terms of Service and Application Usage

  • You have to give your full name, email address, and other information that system asked to fill the registration requirements.
  • Your login access is only available for one person only, you are not allowed to use one account with many user at one time.
  • You will take a responsibility for every service that you use
  • We will give a service as it is and as we have

Baik GreenHCM maupun Anda dapat menghentikan layanan. Setelah layanan dihentikan, tidak ada lagi penagihan.

Prohibition in Using Application

  • You are not allowed to use GreenHCM on the following case:
    • Changing, adapting, or hacking the service or consciously making other website have any connection to our service.
    • Imitating, plagiarizing, copying, buying and selling or reselling, or taking advantages from our service, user, or access without legal writing permition under GreenHCM.
    • Account containt any content that breaking law rules, bullying, threatening, gossiping, libeling, sending pornography, doing unappropriate things, or breaking intellectual property rights based on this service policy.
  • Verbally, physically, or written abuse, etc. Including all the threaten which ask about compensation from user, employee, or GreenHCM member. Consequentlty, we will suspend the account at that time.

Kadang kami mengubah layanan dan harga. Semuanya agar GreenHCM lebih baik lagi.

Terms of Information We Collect and Save

  • When you register or access to your GreenHCM account, we automatically collecting your personal information in purposed to reaching and recognizing you (“personal information”), like name, phone number, email address, home address and office address.
  • This personal information system is automatically added to your leader, so they could keep your personal data which relate to a certain job (“Job Information”)
  • Job information consist the data about your position, bank account, useful information, and emergency call. All of the information was enscripted on the secure server and it’s only accessible to person whom given the authority from the company as the account administrator.

Kami tidak mengklaim kepemilikan atas konten yang Anda isi.


  • GreenHCM is not responsible for all the loss, sudden, particular, consequential towards any compensation, including losses, goodwill, data usage or any other loss (even if long before that, GreenHCM have been told about the probability losses) which caused by:
    • Utilization dan inability to use the service.
    • Cost for existing subtitute goods and services which produce by goods, data, information or service bought or booked that accepted or transaction through the services.
    • Ilegal access or changing transmission or your personal data.
    • Statement or behaviour from the third party
    • Anything that relates to our services
  • GreenHCM is not responsible for all calculation mistakes caused by the following case:
    • You have input wrong data or incomplete data.
    • There are an income tax art.21 and/or health insurance cost changing calculation caused new rules from authorized authority.
    • There are an interruption on the server and internet connection
  • GreenHCM is not responsible for all the losses caused by your non-compliance to keep your account safe.
  • GreenHCM is not responsible to you nor to any third party for every changing, for instance; cost changing, postponing and suspending service.
  • GreenHCM dereliction for implement and apply every right from a certain service does not mean GreenHCM not concern about it.
  • Service terms is an agreement among us, you and GreenHCM, and manage your service usage, replacing the whole agreement between you and GrennHCMmade before (come under, but all version from the services terms is unlimited)

Terms of Free Trial

  • Company could get free trial access to use GreenHCM application for 30 (thirty) days.
  • Free trial access is only given to the company that authorized by GreenHCM.
  • Free trial access was given on purpose to help the company making a decision for willingness to become a GreenHCM customer.

Kami berusaha sebaik mungkin dengan niat yang baik membuat sistem yang pas untuk Anda. Akan tetapi, kami mungkin salah. Jika kami salah, kami akan sigap memperbaikinya :)

Terms of Subscription

  • Company could using GreenHCM application in minimum span 6 (six) months
  • If your company wanted to use GreenHCM application for more than 6 month, your company could contact us and making a legal deal in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding).

Ada beberapa data yang dikumpulkan tanpa mengganggu privasi Anda.

Terms of Payment, Refund, and Increase & Decrease in Services

  • Payment method that we provide is using a credit card.
  • For the first take you sign in to your account, we will provide a bank vitual account (BNI, BRI, ang Mandiri) partically made for every transaction in your company. Our system will verified automatically in every transaction.
  • The service bill will be calculated on every end of month start from one month application usage
  • There is no refundable or receivable for monthly service which isn’t complete, improvement/reduction from our service, or unused account.
  • There is no exception for every case above, so every user can get the same treatment.
  • For every increase or decrease in package program level, the system will automatically changing the payment cost with the newest price.
  • Decreasing your service package affect to losing your content, your feature, or capacity on your account. GreenHCM is not responsible for these losses.

Terms of Canceling or Suspending

  • You are fully responsible for canceling your account in the right way.
  • You have to contact our team for discontinuing our service.
  • All of your content will be deleted soon as you cancel the service. This process will take a few momment. This information cannot be restored after you canceled your account. Account owner only who can delete their own account.
  • If you cancel the service but not fully pay the bill yet, your cancelation start after you paid off the bill.
  • GreenHCM, based on our own policy, have a right to suspend your account and refuse all kind of service you want at that time or in the next time with any reason and anytime. Discontinuance service affect to suspending your account and you have no longer access to login back into your account, you are going to lose all the content in your account.
  • GreenHCM have a right to refuse giving a service to anyone with any reason and anytime.

Jika ada urusan hukum yang melibatkan Anda dan kami diminta oleh pihak hukum untuk membuat data Anda, kami mungkin harus melakukannya demi mematuhi hukum di Indonesia.


  • We are using cookies for gathering information dan increasing our service.
  • Cookies is a small data file that we transfer to your device. We could use a cookie ID sesion to activate a certain feature from the service, it helps you to understand how to interact with the service and to monitor the agregat usage and web traffic on the service.
  • We could also use a presistent cookies to save your register ID and your password login to login into the system.

Terms of Sharing Information and Disclosure

  • Personal information data which collected by cookies and other login data were made for:
    • Giving and increasing our service and user service.
    • Managing service usage
    • To be more understand what you need
    • To personalize dan increasing your impression
    • Giving and offering software update dan product announcement.
  • A certain information was enscripted and saved with a saver system and could be access and download by you and your account administrator.
  • GreenHCM is not access or use a job information or any of your file except on enscripted format or in the agregat report which is not consist to your personal information.

Terms of Sharing Information and Disclosure

  • We were not sell your personal information, file or job information to any other third party.
  • We could use a trusted third party company or individual to help us providing, analysing, and icreasing the service (data storage, maintenance, database management, web analysis, payment process, and service feature repair are unlimited).
  • This third party could access your information but it is only for doing their certained job and it is mandated by GreenHCM, based on the privacy policy.
  • We could reveal to the third party about your personal information and/or job information that saved on GreenHCM and we will collect your information in purposes to:
    • For obey to the law, rules or law demand.
    • Protect someone from death or serious physical injury.
    • Prefent fraud or GreenHCM abuse, service or user.
    • To protect GreenHCM property right. If we provide your information to the law enforcement as above, we will erase the GreenHCM enscripted from file before giving it to them.
  • If we involed to the merger, acquisition, or selling all or half from our asset, your information could be transfered as part of that transaction, but we will send you a notification (for instance, by email and/or a specific notification on our website) from every improvement in control or personal information usage, job information or file, or in case, that information belongs to another privacy.
  • We probably (it is our policy), expose non-individual, agregat like statistical our service usage.


  • Sometimes, account ownership is being a dispute between one or more side, like company and employee, or between company ownership. We keep away to not involved on this conflict. But, we have a right anytime if we want to, and without any announcement before, to decide the legal account holder and/or transfer the account to the legal holder.
  • If we cannot determine the legal account holder, we have a right to postpone the account until the dispute side have get the solution.
  • We could ask the documentation, for instance, photo, formal document, service payment slip, email which use at the first register, to decide the right account holder.

Other Terms

  • This policy could change over time.
  • If we change privacy policy, we are going to send a notification through email or post it on our site.
  • We could give a notification for any other improvement. If you keep using the service after the improvement, means you have agreed with this new policy.