- PT Teknologi Bangsa Mendunia is a company that is established based on laws from Republic of Indonesia which in these terms and condition will be refer as ('we', 'our', 'us', and 'GreenHCM').
- 'User', 'You', or 'Your' refers to people that uses our GreenHCM application and services which consist of :
- Every person that is visiting and/or accessing GreenHCM websites;
- Company that is a business entity wherein the business is registered to GreenHCM system; or
- Employee which is work force that are registered by their respective companies to be included in GreenHCM system
- GreenHCM Application is a dashboard that is designed and built to accommodate and support HR needs, Payroll system, and Task management.
- GreenHCM application provide a system in our services that could be used for calculating the amount of income tax (PPh 21), BPJS payment, Salary, and other benefits (if there are any), Reimbursement based on data that will be provided by you to the system.
- Bronze Package is a package that is provided by GreenHCM which includes feature for Human Resource System, Support system, and free trial for 30 days.
- Silver Package is a package that is provided by GreenHCM which includes feature for Human Resource System, Task Management System, Support System and free trial for 30 days.
- Gold Package is a package that is provided by GreenHCM which includes feature for Human Resource System, Task Management System, Chat and Notifications, Support System, and free trial for 30 days.
- Working Hour is the day that GreenHCM will be operating , which is 09.00 - 18.00 WIB, Sunday to Friday, excluding national or public holiday.
- You hereby represent and confirm that:
- You have read and accepted our terms and condition, privacy policy, and pricing
- You will access and/or utilize our websites, services, and content only for legally approved purposes
- You are responsible for your own account security and pasword
- You have to ensure that the data you inputted to the system is correct
- You are responsible for all the content submitted to the system and any activities that happen with your account (This applies to any content and activities by people that could access your account)
- You hereby represent and confirm that:
- The system provided by GreenHCM is suitable to your company needs and condition and therefoe you will not hold GreenHCM responsible for any loss and/or lawsuit that is caused by incompatibilty of GreenHCM system to the needs and condition of your company
- Greenhcm holds the rights to change, modify, delay, or stop our services (or any part of our services) whenever and from time to time, even a temporary to forever with or without notification
- Greenhcm will not guarantee that:
- Our services will fulfill all your specific needs
- Our services will not be disrupted, on time, secure, or free of any errors
- Results that are gained from usage of services will be accurate and trusted
- Product quality, services, informations, or any other material that are purchased from us will meet your expectation
- Any errors in our services will be handled and patched.
- You must provide your full name, e-mail, and any other information that are needed to complete registration process
- Your login credential will only be used by a single person, and it is prohibited to use one login credential for multiple people. You have the access to create as many unique login credential as you needed.
- Usage of our services will be at your own risk.
- Our service will be provided based on 'as is' our system and 'as avaible' for the time
- Any technical support is only avaiable via e-mail. Our email address for technical support is [email protected]
- GreenHCM does not claim intellectual property rights of any content that is submitted to our services. Your profile and any content that is uploaded will be owned by you only
- You will provide GreenHCM the permission to use your company name or company logo to be included as our clients or user for marketing purpose, unless you have deactivated and/or notify us to not include and erase your company name and company logo from our marketing page.
We will not claim any ownership for the content that you submitted.
- When you register for or accessing GreenHCM account, we might collect some personal information that could be used to contact or identify you ('Personal Information'), such as name, phone number, home and business address.
- Our services could also be used by your superior to keep any information that are related to other specific job ('Work Information')
- Work Information could include work status, bank account information, information on benefit, and emergency contact. These Work Information will be encrypted and keep on secure server and could only be acessed by people that are authorized by company directors as account administrator.
- You are not allowed to use GreenHCM for :
- Change, modify, or hack our services or deliberately change any other website to indicate said website have any correlation to our services
- Duplicate, copy, sell, or trade any part of our services, usage of our services, or access to our services without any written permission from GreenHCM
- Any account with content that contains any law breaking, insults, threats, slander, blackmail, pornographic, unappropriate, or any material that violate intellectual property rights of any parties or even this terms of service
- Any misuse in the form of verbal, physical, written or any other forms (includes threat of abuse or asking for compensation) from the customer, employeem, or members of GreenHCM could result in termination of account immediately
- GreenHCM will not be responsible for any loss which is directly or indirectly, suddenly, special, consequential, or damages, included but not limited to loss of profit, goodwill, usage, data or any other immaterial losses (Even if GreenHCM is notified prior to the losses), which is caused by:
- Usage or inability to use our services
- Cost for procurement of goods and replacement services that is caused by goods, data, informations, or services that are purchased or procured, or message that are received, or transaction that occured through or from our services
- Illegal access or disrupted communication or your data
- Statement or behaviour of third-party in our services
- Anything related to our services
- GreenHCM will not be responsible for any mistake in calculation if:
- Data that you submitted to the system is false and incomplete
- Amendment of how PPh 21 is calculated and/or BPJS fee that are caused by new regulation by competent authority
- Disruption to the server and internet connection
- GreenHCM is not responsible for any loss or damages that is caused by your ignorance to your responsibility to keep your account secure
- GreenHCM is not responsible to you or any third-party for any changes, price updates, suspension or termination of services
- Negligence of GreenHCM to perform or apply every rights or statutes of terms of service will not count as waiver to said rights and statutes.
- Terms of service is every agreement between you and GreenHCM, and it arrange your usage of services, replacing every agreement prior between you and GreenHCM (Last but not least, every prior version of terms of service).
- Company could receive our trial service and access by using GreenHCM application free of charge with a maximal of 30 (thirty) calendar days
- Trial service will be given to company that are approved by part of GreenHCM
- Trial service is given with the intent to help company make decision if it will become subscribing member to GreenHCM application.
- We currently only support payment by Credit Card
- In the early stages of creating account, we will create virtual bank account for BNI, BRI, and Mandiri specially for any and every company transaction on our system. Our system will automatically confirm every created transaction.
- We will bill the usage of our system every end of month counting 1 (one) month of usages.
- There will be no refund or claims on incomplete monthly usages, refund for upgrade or downgrade of services, or refund for any month that our services is not utilized for any active account.
- There will be no exception for the point stated above, and everyone will get the same treatment.
- For every upgrade or downgrade in the package offered, system will automatically change billing with latest package thay you choose.
- When downgrading selected services, it is probable that you will lose some content, feature, or any other capacity in your account. GreenHCM will not be responsible for any loss explained before.
- You are fully responsible for following the correct procedure of cancelling your account
- You must contact our team to process the cancellation of our service usages
- Every content in your account will be deleted after stopping the usage of our services. This proccess might take several hours to a few days. The content and information that is deleted will be lost permanently and can't be recovered. Only the owner the account (account owner) can initiate account deletion.
- When you cancel the usage of our services, but there is still unsettled payment that is calculated by our system, cancellation will be processed only after any unsettled payment is settled.
- GreenHCM, by its own policy, holds the right to suspend or cancel your account and reject any form of service usages at the moment or foreseeable future anytime and anywhere. Cancellation of service usages will result in deactivation, deletion, or restriced access of your account, and loss or handover of every content and information in your account.
- GreenHCM holds the right to reject usage of services to anyone, anytime and anywhere for any reason.
- We use Cookies to collect information on you and to improve our service.
- Cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your device. We could use the 'Cookie ID session' to active certain feature of our services, to further understand how you interact with our services and to observe aggregated usages and website traffic routing in our services.
- We could also employ the usage of 'persistent cookies' to keep your registered ID and password for login.
- Any personal information and data that are gathered from cookie and any other logged data could be used for:
- Provide and improve our services and customer services
- Manage usage of services
- To further understand your needs
- To personalize and improve your experience using our services
- To provide or offer update to our software and any product announcement
- Some information will be encrypte and stored to our storage services and could be accessed and downloaded by you or your account administrator
- GreenHCM will not access or use any work information or file other than encrypted files, and aggregated report that does not contain or could be used to extract personal information
- We will never sell any of your personal information, files or work information to third-party
- We could use trusted third-party companies and individual to help us provide, analyze, and improve our services (including but not limited to data storage, maintenance, database management, web analysis, payment proccess, and Improvement to features on our services).
- These third-parties might have limited access to your information and will only do so to accomplished specific tasks on behalf of us and will be hold under the same responsibilities that is stated in our privacy policies.
- We could reveal to outside party you files, personal information and/or work information that is stored in GreenHCM storage any other information of yours that we gathered when we have the confidence to reveal these information for:
- To comply with the law, rules or request of authorities
- To protect safety of specific individual from death or serious physical injury
- To prevent fraud or misuse of GreenHCM, by its ervice or user
- To protect GreenHCM property rights. If we provide your files to any law institution as stated above, we will remove the encryption on your files before handing it over to the authorities.
- If we are involved in a merger, acquisiton, or sell of any or all our asset, your information could be transferred as part of the agreement, but we will notify you (for example, by email and/or clear announcement on our website) for every alteration on the control or usage of personal information, work information or files, or if said information is subject to different privacy policies.
- We might in our discretion, reveal non-private, aggregated, on any other non-private information of you, such as usage statistic of our services by you.
- Sometimes, ownership of account could become a dispute between one or more parties, such as between a company and its employee, or between company owners. We try not to be involved in this dispute. But, we hold the rights that anytime we need to, and without prior notice to you, to determine the ownership of the account legally and/or transfer the account to its rightful owner.
- If in this situation we can't determine the legal owner of the account legally, we hold the rights to suspend the account until the disputing parties reach a compromise and decision.
- We could also asked you to provide supporting document such as, passport photo, official document issued by the government, proof of payment for the services, email that is used for first registration, to help determine the legal owner of the account.
- This policies is subject to change from time to time
- If there is amendment to this privacy policies which we believe will serve as material to reduce your rights, we will announce this amendment through e-mail , or we will post details of the amendment to our website.
- We could also announce changes in other kind of situation. By continuing use of our services after the change is implemented, you agree to abide to this policies.